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21.290 kr.

Stækkanlegur og straumlínulagaður 18L bakpoki, hannaður til hversdagsnotkunar en hentar einkar vel til að hjóla með.

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Verslun – Skemmuvegur 6


Vörunúmer 16-3204729 Vöruflokkar , , , , Tagg


  • Roll-top closure and durable, coated materials provide reliable weather protection
  • Access your phone easily from dedicated pocket while in riding position
  • Floating laptop sleeve fits comfortably on back while in natural riding position, holding up to 16″ laptop
  • Unzip side panels to expand capacity up to 50%, transitioning streamlined bag into high-capacity urban cargo hauler
  • Stay visible in low light with reflective accents visible from all angles
  • Generous storage space is ideal for the wide range of contents a bicycle commuter needs, including a change of clothes, jacket, lunch or groceries or groceries on the way home
  • Large side pocket holds a water bottle or insulated container securely while riding or walking
  • Exterior pockets keep bike lock and personal essentials in easy reach without digging deeper into bag
  • Integration of shoulder strap shape and sternum strap position enhance stability while riding, improving safety, comfort and convenience without the need for a hip belt
  • Ventilated back panel and shoulder straps stay comfortable on warm days
  • Attach helmet to outside of bag while off the bike
Material420D nylon
Dimensions30 x 24 x 53 cm
Volume18 L
Weight1.05 kg
Model number3204729



Thule var stofnað í Svíþjóð árið 1942. Síðan þá hefur fyrirtækið einsett sér það að hanna vörur til að einfalda virkum fjölskyldum og útivistarfólki að stunda sinn lífsstíl og áhugamál.Thule leggur metnað sinn í að framleiða einstakar vörur sem eru gæðaprófaðar og tryggðar gegn göllum í efni og framleiðslu. Sjá nánar um ábyrgð á vörum HÉR.
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