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ABUS Iven Steel-O-Chain 8210/140

18.690 kr.

Keðjulásinn er frábær vörn gegn þjófnaði og skemmdum á hjólinu. Endingargóð og sveigjanleg gervitrefjahúð og mjúkt efni á raunverulegum læsingum kemur í veg fyrir hugsanlegar rispur og skemmdir á lakki.

Availability: Á lager

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  • Security Level 10
  • 3185g
  • 8 mm strong square chain with a new, functional, durable and highly flexible Ivy synthetic fiber coating to protect against damage to the paintwork
  • The chain, the housing and the load-bearing parts of the locking mechanism are made of specially hardened steel
  • For protected transport we recommend, for example, the frame bags ST 2200 and ST 2250 (for length 85 cm)
  • Good protection against a medium risk of theft
  • Recommended for securing good two-wheelers
  • The greater the length, the easier it is to attach to a fixed object
  • Particularly practical application because only one end of the chain needs to be locked



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