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ABUS Facilo 32/150 HB230+USH32

7.490 kr.

Facilo 32 U-Lock er fullkomin lausn fyrir aðstæður þar sem lítil hætta er á þjófnaði eða fyrir reiðhjól sem eru minna verðmæt. Hágæða efni ásamt háþróaðri öryggistækni.

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Vörunúmer 19-37492 Vöruflokkar , Tagg


  • Security Level 7
  • 950 gr
  • Hardened 12 mm round shackle
  • ABUS top-quality locking cylinder
  • 10 mm high-quality steel cable with two loop ends
  • PVC casing to prevent damage to paintwork
  • USH 32 – Bracket for transporting the lock on the wheel. The plastic bracket is used to mount it on round pipes with a diameter of 15 – 35 mm.
  • Basic protection in situations where the risk of theft is low
  • Ideal for securing low-cost bicycles
  • The longer the length of the shackle, the more easily it can be used to secure a bike to a fixed object



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