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ABUS Bordo SmartX 6500A Foldable lock

36.990 kr.

Hjólalás tekinn á næsta stig.  Nýstárleg tækni fyrir aukið öryggi og þægindi. Þú þarft enga lykla – bara snjallsíma með smáforritinu ABUS ONE.

Ef átt er við lásinn heyrist allt að 100 dB viðvörunarhljóð. Festing á hjólið með frönskum rennilás fylgir með.

Availability: In stock

Verslun – Skemmuvegur 6


Vörunúmer 19-61495 Vöruflokkar ,


  • 5.5 mm thick rods, with extra soft 2-component coating
  • Easy operation via the ABUS One app (formerly SmartX) – for iOS and Android
  • Opening and locking the bike lock without a key – Keyless function based on proven ABUS SmartX™ Bluetooth® technology
  • Alarm function with at least 100 dB for 15 seconds, then automatic re-arming
  • 3D Position Detection – detects vibrations and the smallest movements in all three dimensions and triggers the alarm
  • Intelligent alarm – in case of small and short shocks, e.g. from a football etc., the lock only emits a short warning tone
  • USB-C port
  • Location storage from the last time the bike was parked
  • LED light shows battery and charging status
  • RC version can be operated via included remote control (for all other versions the remote control is available separately)
  • Incl. holder, SH Lock holder for easy transport on your bike, which can be mounted tool-free thanks to practical tension or Velcro straps. The lock is removed from the holder from the front.



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