- The Thule Aion carry-on suitcase is a durable piece of luggage for work or adventure with a removable packing cube that optimises packing space and can be used on its own as a day bag.
- Includes a removable compression packing cube with a TPU lining that separates odour, moisture and dirt from the rest of the bag and doubles as a day bag.
- Oversized rear wheels effortlessly glide over rough terrain and smaller, recessed front wheels increase interior space.
- Convenient front pocket helps to stash a jacket on the go and zipped exterior pocket provides quick access to keys, wallet and smaller items.
- The interior mesh pocket that divides the main compartment keeps items separate and secure during travel.
- Durable exoskeleton with a polycarbonate back panel helps absorb the impact of travel and patented V-tubing telescoping handle is smooth and easy to pull. Outer shell fabric, lining and mesh are made of 100% recycled polyester from recycled plastic bottles, while the polycarbonate back panel is made of 50% recycled material.
- The 600D waxed canvas shell fabric is highly durable and includes a water-resistant coating free of toxic PFCs that repels moisture, dirt and stains.
- Exterior zip pulls can be locked together for added security (locks sold separately).
- The Thule Aion waxed canvas fabric is intended to have a broken-in appearance straight out of the box. Due to the nature of the fabric, slight marks or variances in colour may be visible.
Thule Aion Carry on Spinner – Nutria
49.990 kr.
Thule Aion er endingargóður handfarangur á hjólum sem nýtist vel fyrir ferðalagið. Taskan er búin til úr sterku, vatnsheldu og endingargóðu efni sem er unnið úr endurunnanlegu pólýester (plastflöskum). Efnið inniheldur vatnshelda húð án eitruð PSCs, hrindir frá sér raka, óhreinindum og blettum.
Með töskunni fylgir packing cube taska með TPU fóðri sem aðskilur lykt, raka, og óhreinindi. Taskan býður upp á aukið skipulag sem nýtist vel m.a. undir föt, skó eða aðra aukahluti.
Einnig er hægt að læsa rennilásum á töskunni til þess að auka öryggi (lás fylgir ekki).
Availability: In stock
Verslun – Skemmuvegur 6
35 x 23 x 55 cm
3.25 kg
35 L
Waxed P600 Polyester Canvas
Model name
Model number
Thule Aion Collection
Weight | 20 kg |
Dimensions | 38 × 26 × 59 cm |