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Barnabíll m. fjarstýringu Mercedes-AMG SL 65 Rauður

74.990 kr.

Rauður rafmagnsbíll fyrir börn af gerðinni Mercedes-AMG SL 65. Bíllinn rúmar eitt barn og er með tvær aksturs stillingar, tónlist og fjarstýring fylgir fyrir fullorðna.
Opnanlegar hurðar og skott. Lítil hjól að aftan og handfang fyrir fullorðna til að færa bílinn. Hleðsla endist í um það bil klukkustund í keyrslu.

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Vörunúmer 15-460294 Vöruflokkar ,


Get in, turn the ignition key, turn on the lights and accelerate – who didn’t dream of that as a child? Now this dream can come true – with the licensed Mercedes-AMG SL 65 ride-on cars from Jamara. The little speedsters come with a true-to-original chassis, multifunction steering wheel, illuminated dashboard and great sound effects. Simply fill up at the socket and cruise off. The powerful battery lasts for over an hour on just one “tank of fuel”. 2 powerful drive motors meanwhile provide enough power when driving. The integrated music and the option of playing your own tracks via MP3, SD card and USB offer additional driving pleasure. Other special features of the MB SL 65 AMG ride-on cars are the carrying and pulling handle on the front underside, which makes transport a real breeze, and the spacious trunk, in which additional play equipment can be easily transported.
Þyngd 110 kg



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