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Case Logic Laps Sleeve/Umslag 15-16” Arona Blue

6.890 kr.

Fartölvuhlíf sem passar fyrir 15-16″ fartölvur. 
25 ára ábyrgð!

Availability: In stock

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Verslun – Skemmuvegur 6


Vörunúmer 18-3204674 Vöruflokkar , Tögg , ,


  • Form-fitting sleeve ensures a precise fit for your laptop with up to a 16″ screen
  • A seamless wrap of Impact Foam™ padding provides top to bottom protection
  • Woven webbing along each side adds subtle texture to the clean design
  • Slimline case protects your device on its own or in your favorite bag
  • Available in a variety of fresh colors to fit any personality


Case Logic

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